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Comicomment: U.S. 'spying' China-made cranes allegation groundless
2024年03月18日 11:34        稿件来源:Ecns.cn

(ECNS)--Some U.S. officials have claimed that China-made cargo cranes operating at American ports serve as "spying tools", likening the giant ship-to-shore euipment made by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co (ZPMC) to a Trojan horse.

The groundless and defamatory remarks from the U.S. have also incited Germany and Australia to follow suit, with both seemingly echoing like parrots in support.

This argument is a typical tactic employed by certain U.S. politicians to advance their own political agendas by conjuring up an imaginary threat from China. National security has become a convenient pretext for imposing restrictions on Chinese products at their discretion.

The various iterations of the "China threat," lacking in common sense and evidence, serve as a reflection of the ignorance and paranoia harbored by some U.S. politicians.

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