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2024年03月09日 14:39        稿件来源:中国新闻网

  在中国全国两会召开之际,中新网记者对柏林自由大学教授、欧委会经济高级顾问康保锐(Berthold Kuhn)进行了独家专访。采访中,康保锐对“新质生产力”的概念进行了解读,他认为,“新质生产力”这一提法符合中国新发展理念,代表着“具有高科技、高效能、高质量特征的创新型生产力”。


  During the 2024 Two Sessions, new quality productive forces are frequently highlighted. In this regard, China News Network invited Berthold Kuhn, Adj. professor at Freie Universität Berlin and consultant to the European Commission, to give his interpretation of new quality productive forces. Kuhn believed that they refer to innovation-led productivity featuring high technology, high efficiency and high quality in line with China's new development philosophy."

  "Technology-focused private sector firms, including startups, would be best-positioned to advance the development of these new quality productive forces," according to Kuhn, "Trust building with international corporation partners and low interest rates would also be important."

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