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Food Safari in Yunnan | Mutton
2023年12月18日 11:11        稿件来源:Ecns.cn

The Yunnan-Vietnam Railway was officially opened in1910, and the whistle of the meter gauge train sounded the horn for Yunnan to move towards modern society. For a hundred years, cities along the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway have formed their own culinary culture through the fusion of cultural features. They are shining like stars on the land of Yunnan... The series of delicacies documentaries"Food Safari in Yunnan" produced by China News Network, Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and China News Service Yunnan Branch focus on the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, showcasing the unique cuisine and culinary culture of various regions along the railway line, promoting the natural scenic spots and cultural charms of Yunnan to the world.

Mile has a lot of delicacies. A local restaurant, creating various flavors with mutton as its secret recipe, dominates the culinary world.

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